She of the Big Hair

Kay Hutchison, with hair so large
Said "Perjury's a silly charge.
Except when Democrats commit it;
Then, by Heavens, I forbid it!"
Hutchison on perjury, 10/23.2005: "[I]f there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn’t indict on the crime and so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.”
Hutchison on perjury, 2/2/1999: "[S]omething needs to be said that is a clear message that our rule of law is intact and the standards for perjury and obstruction of justice are not gray...Because our system of criminal justice depends on people telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is the lynch pin of our criminal justice system and I don’t want it to be faded in any way."
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