The SOTU from Bad to Verse

"The State of the Union's just Grand.
All things are improving, as planned,
'Cause I'm the Decider,
The Leader and Guider,
....Why I'm tanking I don't understand."
"Now, 'cause I'm the War President,
I better not hear no dissent
When I ask for more billions
To add to the trillions
The taxpayers already spent."
"Mah Fellow Amurkans, I urge
All of y'all to support my new Surge:
With Resolve, we will Strive,
Blah blah blah, watch this drive.
And Democracy soon will emerge."
"We'll defeat these Islamo-fascistas
And open up new Freedom Vistas,
If you don't buy my lies,
You must hate our G.I.s,
And their moms and their dads and their sistas."
"So let us move forward together
To send in them troops hell-for-leather,
Sure, things'll get worse,
I'll pretend the reverse -
The same as I done with the weather."
"And when things go south in Baghdad,
I've got a new plan; aintcha glad?
I'll rage and I'll bluster
And start a new cluster-
Fuck - then I'll have more wars than Dad."
"So that's all for now, folks! God bless!
And God Bless America, yes!
God bless KBR,
And God bless my war!
Now, Lieberman, time for my kiss!"