Fifty Conservative Blogs! Count 'Em! Fifty!

The Blogs! with apologies to Edgar Allan Poe
See the wingnuts with the blogs!
Rightwing blogs!
What a world of terror has them grovelling like dogs!
How they shiver, shiver, shiver
In their meager cyber-spheres
All their pundits are a-quiver,
Spin backfiring like a flivver
Like a rocket up the rear!
Spreading lies, lies, lies
As their brain implodes and fries
From a mad hallucination of their leaders marched like frogs,
In the blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs,
-In the trembling and dissembling of the blogs.
See the proud progressive blog!
Kos's blog!
What a world of activism issues from its log!
How the posters, posters, posters
Sitting up til nearly dawn
Nail the lies of rightwing boasters
So that Kossacks, over toasters,
Can rejoice and carry on.
Nailing lies, lies, lies
Giving candidates supplies
Of the data that'll help them stick a wrench in Bush's cogs,
Oh, the blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs,
The smiting and the righting of the blogs.
You are a friggin' genius!
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